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#UnitedKingdomGeneralElections2024 : British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Warns Against Dangers Of Labour Win ; Country Will Be Pushed To Uncertainty

As the countdown for UK general elections has started, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak launched an attack on the opposition Labour Party, alleging that they “don’t have a plan” and will push the country into “uncertainty.”

Earlier on May 22, Rishi Sunak in a surprise announcement outside Downing Street declared the general election on July 4.

Earlier, The 44-year-old British Indian leader’s rain-soaked speech on the steps of 10 Downing Street on Wednesday evening sent the political corridors of the country into a flurry of activity, with Sunak hitting the ground running with a campaign event in east London right after with his three poll pitches of “Clear Plan, Bold Action, Secure Future”.

“Over the next few weeks, I will fight for every vote,” he pledged.

Asked by the BBC why he chose to fire the starting gun for the election race getting drenched in the pouring rain, Sunak replied that it showed that he is “not a fair-weather politician”.

“I believe very strongly in the traditions of our country. And when prime ministers make important statements like that, they do it on the steps of Downing Street come rain or shine. And I believe in those traditions and that’s why I did what I did,” he explained.

The Opposition Labour Party Leader, Starmer, kicked his campaign off with a simpler one-word message – “Change”.

“On July 4 you have the choice. And together, we can stop the chaos. We can turn the page. We can start to rebuild Britain, and change our country,” he declared.

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