
Four Stars Of Destiny: An Autobiography By Manoj Mukund Naravane

In this book, General Naravane writes a simple and heart-warming account of his life and times and the experiences that shaped his character, right from childhood to his years in the service, rising through the hierarchy to becoming the twenty-eighth Chief of the Indian Army.

The book sheds light on the workings of the Army, its culture and ethos that make it the finest army in the world. Even those with no background of the Services would be immediately drawn into the narrative, especially the parts that deal with the planning and conduct of operations, which is the raison d’être of the Army.

It also covers many aspects for those interested in matters military, ranging from the decision-making apparatus at various echelons of the government to what needs to be done to make not just the Army, but the Armed Forces as a whole, a more potent instrument of national power, ready to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Book Releasing : January 2024

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