The film, directed by Gia Coppola, marks a significant departure for Anderson, who is best known for her roles in ‘Baywatch’ and...
Baywatch famed icon and sex symbol Pamela Anderson is all set to be honoured at the Zurich Film Festival. She will be...
Baywatch fame actress Pamela Anderson, who recently revealed that she is quitting social media, has tied the knot yet again to surprise...
Bollywood actress and global superstar, 37-year-old Priyanka Chopra Jonas, has struck a two-year television deal with Amazon. The Quantico star shared the...
Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson is the latest star celebrity to voice his anger on the death of George Floyd. And the Baywatch...
Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson says life is always so crazy and busy, and asserts that he ensures maintaining a balance between personal...
Actor-model and former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson and movie mogul Jon Peters have tied the knot in a private ceremony. According to...
Pamela Anderson may be 52. But she has proved yet again that age is just a number. Pamela gained worldwide fame and...
In a great news for his ardent fans , Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock is taking a trip back...
Actress and animal rights activist and former Baywatch star the 52 – year-old Pamela Anderson has won her battle to ban foie...