Picture : Twitter / ANI
In it’s wildest of dreams, the medical science experts would not have thought of being caught in a Catch-22 situation of this a magnitude. Far from finding a cure, doctors are facing an arduous task to contain the unusual speed at which the virus is travelling. What started as a pandemic, has turned into a nightmare with no visible end to it. Globally, the best of the medical minds are finding it strenuous to understand it’s erratic behaviour. Well, since we all are in the middle of the pandemic globally, let us not just look upon the medical science for some miracle, because it has to be fought collectively.
With large chunk of population living in the rural area, India faces it’s biggest challenge to safeguard them. The casual attitude towards the pandemic has led to the second and at some places third wave. It is imperative to understand that the virus does not differentiate between the poor and the rich, old or young. It needs to be contained at all costs. Wearing masks once stepping out of home, maintaining social distance and following all other norms is no obligation, it is the need of the hour. Reiterating my point, political parties are equally to be blamed.
For the greed of vote bank, holding rallies in large numbers is another way of putting the lives of common man at risk. Being leaders, onus lies on them making people aware of the circumstances rather than calling them out in huge groups.
Vaccine has certainly bought in hope and relief from the deadly virus, but it is imperative to understand that the danger is not yet over. Definitely, it has provided relief to many, still there is a section of people averse to it. And vaccination is the only best possible way to fight if we want to lead a “normal” life once again. People need not politicize the issue at this juncture for their petty politics rather than come out as one in these critical times. Not only are they misleading the public, they are in a way hurting the sentiments of our doctors by questioning their commendable efforts. After all, giving up ones life in lieu of saving many lives needs a lot of courage.
Therefore, we need to stand united to fight out the virus as one. Small efforts of wearing mask regularly, following covid-19 protocols, will help bringing the victory over the virus much faster. For lockdown is no answer to the pandemic. It will only make life more difficult and suffocating.