Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has ordered the registration of an FIR against a maulana for leading a congregation in West Nizamuddin in South Delhi after several people who attended it showed symptoms of coronavirus, sources said.
They said the Delhi government will launch a house-to-house mapping exercise in two nearby colonies on Tuesday to check for coronavirus cases.
Meanwhile, Monitoring being done in the area around Markaz building, Nizamuddin with the help of a drone.
Health Minister Satyendar Jain said : “Event’s organisers committed a grave crime. Disaster Act & Contagious Diseases Act was enforced in Delhi,no assembly of more than 5 people was allowed. Still they did this. I’ve written to Lt Guv to take strictest action against them.Delhi govt has given order to file FIR”.
Jain further told ANI, We are not certain of the number but it is estimated that 1500-1700 people had assembled at Markaz building. 1033 people have been evacuated so far – 334 of them have been sent to hospital & 700 sent to quarantine center.
The Delhi Police had cordoned off a major area in Nizamuddin West where several people showed symptoms of coronavirus after taking part in the congregation earlier this month, officials said.
Over 2,000 delegates, including from Indonesia and Malaysia, attended the Tabligh-e-Jamaat congregation in Nizamuddin West from March 1-15, officials said as the south Delhi neighbourhood was virtually sealed following fears that some people may have contracted COVID-19.
So far, 97 cases of coronavirus have been reported in the national capital.