With the United States already ravaged by the dreaded coronavirus, there seems to be another big trouble brewing amidst COVID-19. According to agency report, a group of Democrat senators have said that there has been a surge in the hate crime against the Asian-Americans amid the coronavirus pandemic and urged the Trump administration to take concrete steps to arrest the spike in such incidents.
In a letter to Assistant Attorney General Eric S Dreiband, the 16 senators, including first Indian-origin senator Kamala Harris, requested the Trump administration to address this discrimination like it had been done in the past.
The senators said hate crimes against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) during the pandemic and the inadequate federal response to address these racist and xenophobic attacks is a sharp break from the efforts of past administrations, Republican and Democratic alike.
There are more than 20 million Americans of Asian descent and two million AAPI individuals are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, as health care workers, law enforcement agents, first responders, and other essential service providers, they said.