Bollywood actor turned politician Shatrughan Sinha who was associated with the BJP for nearly three decades has decided to join the Congress. Sinha is a two-term BJP Lok Sabha member from Patna Sahib Singh but has been dropped by the saffron party which has chosen to field union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad from the seat
He will officially join the party on April 6. This was reported after he met Congress president Rahul Gandhi. Sinha has been critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has often spoke out on many issues like Rafale, the slogan Acche Din among others. Sinha also has been highly critical of BJP party president Amit Shah
Sinha was one of the participants in Mamata Banerjee organised unity of India rally in Kolkata. A presence that had upset the BJP and made them think of considering disciplinary action.
Recently, Sinha expressed his displeasure at the way patriarch of the BJP L K Advani was replaced by Amit Shah from the Gandhinagar Lok Sabha seat for the forthcoming polls .