The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh has issued an order that the 2017 Independence Day celebrations at madrassas across Uttar Pradesh will be videographed.
According to News 18 news report, The Madrassa Parishad Board sent a letter to the district minority officers regarding this on August 3. According to the circular, The Independence Day celebrations on August 15 should include hoisting the Tricolour, singing the national anthem and paying tributes to freedom fighters. The videos of the programme would be sent to the district minority officer.
Minority welfare minister Laxmi Narayan Chaudhary said it will inspire students and they will learn more about the contribution of the freedom fighters.
“Unlike the previous governments, which indulged in politics of appeasement, we are a government with
nationalist bent of mind,” Chaudhary told PTI on Friday.
When asked what prompted the government to issue the order, Chaudhary said, “Directives were issued as the government recognised that madrassas get funds from the state government and are supposed to celebrate the national festivals, including Independence Day.”
Around 8,000 madrasas in the state are recognised by the government body UP Madrassa Shiksha Parishad. Among these, 560 are fully aided by the state.
*Flag hoisting and recitation of the national anthem to take place at 8 am.
*Tributes to be paid to freedom fighters.
*Cultural event to be organised on the theme: national unity.
*Sweets to be distributed among children at the end of the event.
The parishad, in the circular, has also sent the text of the national anthem in both Hindi and Urdu. Sources said that in the past, some madrasas had argued that their students know only Urdu and were not fluent in Hindi.
Sources in minority welfare department said that events would have to be videographed, as there had been allegations in the past that some madrasas had not hoisted the national flag on Independence Day.
Taking a swipe at political rivals, Chaudhary said, “Those who are trying to impute motives and suspecting the intention of the government, I doubt their nationalist credentials.”
Several organisations have raised their voices against the order.
Manager of Madrasa Arabia in Gorakhpur, Haji Syed Tahwar Hussain, has questioned the motive of the circular.”Madrasas and thir teachers have made valuable contribution in India’s freedom struggle. In spite of this, it is unfortunate and condemnable that we are being treated with suspicion,” he said.
“It is a fact that teachings of patriotism and brotherhood are taught in the madrassas. Grand programmes are organised during national festivals, but the way the guidelines have been issued raises question on the intention of the administration,” said Hafiz Nazre Azalm Qadri, General Secretary of All India Teachers Association Madrassa Arabia, Gorakhpur branch.