In a sudden policy move, the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) decided to stop the training provider registration across India. In a notice, the concerned ministry stated, “As per directions from MSDE, this is to inform you that currently Training Provider registration on SMART Portal ( is put on hold. No new CAAFs to be uploaded till further notice.” This notice is very brief and it did not elaborate anything though it regretted the inconvenience. (See the Notice) This sudden decision surprised many in the industry.
SMART- Skill Management and Accreditation of Training Centres aims to synergize the efforts of all the stakeholders in the skill ecosystem, and streamline the skill development initiatives. It provides a single window clearance system to the Training Providers (TPs).
(For more detail: National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is an implementing agency for skill development in India.
Marking the completion of three years of the NDA government, Rajiv Pratap Rudy, the Minister of State (I/C), MSDE informed that MSDE has trained more than 1.17 crore aspirants in various skills through MSDE schemes and programmes since the inception of Skill India. This is apart from the numbers contributed through skill development schemes and initiatives under other Central Ministries.
MSDE listed its key achievements:
More than 1.17 crore people trained under MSDE programs
26.5 lakhs candidates trained under MSDE’s flagship scheme Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
More than 4.82 lakh people were brought into the organised sector through the recognition of prior learning program under PMKVY which recognises existing skills and certifies youth (13000 Rubber Tappers, More than 250 Railway Porters and 1500 Employees of Rashtrapati Bhawan)
More than 480 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras have been announced which would be model centres for skilling and would be in each district of the country for ease of skilling. 162 are already been established.
More than 1381 new ITIs have been opened with more than 5 lakh seats and the entire ecosystem of ITIs have been reinvigorated and re-energised
More than 1 crore people have been trained under NSDC’s short term skilling ecosystem since its inception
Pradhan Mantri Yuva Yojana was also launched to promote young entrepreneurs and self sustainability. Target to cover 14.5 lakhs over the next 5 years
To cater to the increasing demand for drivers, MSDE also launched Driver Training institutes across the nation. There is a target to open 50 of them by end of 2017
Special schemes like Udaan in J&K and others in North East have brought avenues of growth and opportunities to youth in these focused regions
4 new ATIs have been upgraded into India institute of skills modelled after ITE Singapore
MSDE focuses on bringing heavy quality focus in skills through Adhaar alignment, strengthened monitoring and better curriculum. It is also supported by World Bank schemes like strive and SANKALP
MSDE has established convergence through common norms, National skills qualification framework and ISO certification of ITIs
Skill India also promotes Inclusion and diversity across all programs especially for disability
India has partnered with 11 countries in the skills agenda promoting global mobility
Skill support all national missions and partners with 18 out of 20 ministries today
MSDE also has support from states on infrastructure and skill education in schools/universities
MSDE has successfully created Industry linkages through apprenticeship, CSR, partnerships in infrastructure and hiring. More than 6 lakh apprentices have been engaged under NAPS
MSDE with MHRD has partnered to create bridge courses for academic equivalence of ITI students
Skill India through its technology applications brings in ease of managing systems in process in India
MSDE has conducted special skill development projects with Armed Forces (Navy, Army, AirForce), CRPF Jawans etc
India is going to celebrate the World Skill Day on 16th July. The concerned ministry stopped a mammoth exercise -the training provider registration across India. It signals an ongoing upheaval in the sector. In another sudden move, Mint reported that the MSDE abandoned its goals of training 500 million people in new skills by 2020. Reportedly, the representatives from the ministry refused to spell out a new number or target. As stated by the MSDE, the skilling approach would be driven by demand and not by supply.