A gripping psychological thriller that explores the struggles of loneliness and mental health in today's society, Out of Madness by Rithwik Aryan draws...
Women were hired for crucial support roles that would release men for military duties that women weren’t permitted to perform
The plot of the play is compelling and engaging. Two of the world’s greatest detectives Col Ranjeet and Herlock Holms are called...
This fast-paced story blends suspense, power, and ambition with a hint of romance, delivering a gripping read from start to finish
Coming from her own journey as an orphaned child in Mumbai to an award-winning sustainability warrior Fit In, Stand Out, Walk: Stories...
From a devoted caregiver to one of Bangalore’s most sought-after podcasters who embarked on a new journey in her late forties, Mohua...
Shashank Mani’s Middle of Diamond India: National Renaissance through Participation and Enterprise reveals the hidden stories of those in the Middle, that...
The award winning writer Jigs Ashar is back with another thriller The Cabinet Conspiracy, an international political espionage set in the corridors...
Anu Lall, author, certified Yoga coach, meditation teacher, and the founder of YogaSmith whose teachings are rooted in Yoga, Tibetan, and Thai...
CHAPTER – ONE (Presence) It all started three months before the lock down. We were looking for new apartment to move into....