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The general officer commanding-in-chief of the northern command, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, has made a startling comment. He has reportedly said that the Pakistani army has been using social media to mobilize support among the youth of Jammu and Kashmir to stir them towards militancy.
He also said that terrorist infrastructure continues to remain intact in PoK and Pakistan.
He said Pakistan is trying to develop narratives to alter public opinion in Kashmir to disrupt peace and stability. “It is matter of concern for us. We are seized of this concern.”
He said the Pakistani army has been exploiting social media platforms to influence the youth of the Valley to join militancy.
“Radicalization is not only a concern in India but a global concern,” Lt Gen Singh told reporters here.
However, he added, the Indian Army has developed effective counter-terrorism capabilities and the fight against terrorism has now entered “an important phase”.
“We are using technology and artificial-based solutions to counter the message, so that youth do not fall prey to the designs of the Pakistan army,” he said.
“I am hopeful that in the coming year, we will be able to see peace, prosperity and development in the state,” he said