Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor has rejected the views of Anil Antony, son of party colleague and former defence minister A K Antony, on a controversial BBC documentary on Gujarat riots and termed as “immature” his argument that it was an infringement into India’s sovereignty.
Tharoor, Lok Sabha MP from Thiruvananthapuram said people of the country have the freedom to watch or not watch the BBC documentary on the 2002 riots and asked who can say the British broadcaster has no right to do a story on the topic.
The Constitution of the country guarantees all rights for us to watch a documentary, he added.
When asked about Anil’s argument that placing the views of the BBC over Indian institutions would set a “dangerous precedence” and “undermine” our sovereignty, Tharoor said he cannot agree with it.
“I feel that this is an immature stand,” he said.
Tharoor further said : How can a (BBC) documentary affect sovereignty of our nation? The ban is an overreaction & unnecessary by Centre. We’re a strong country, we could’ve ignored this. Our sovereignty and national security isn’t something that can be easily affected by a documentary