Union Home Minister Amit Shahhas said that the government is determined to take the ongoing fight against the unrest created by naxals to its logical conclusion. The minister, who is on a visit to Chhattisgarh, made the comment after paying tributes to the 22 security personnel who were killed by naxals in the state.
“Paid tributes to the brave security personnel who were martyred while fighting the naxalites at Jagdalpur in Chhattisgarh,” he said in a tweet in Hindi.
छत्तीसगढ़ में नक्सलियों का सामना करते वक्त शहीद हुए बहादुर सुरक्षाकर्मियों को जगदलपुर में श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की।
देश आपके शोर्य और बलिदान को कभी भुला नहीं पाएगा। पूरा देश शोक संतप्त परिवारों के साथ खड़ा है।
अशांति के विरुद्ध इस लड़ाई को हम अंतिम रूप देने के लिए संकल्पित हैं। pic.twitter.com/UCqiRLJICs
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) April 5, 2021
“The country will never forget your bravery and sacrifice. The whole country stands behind the bereaved families. We are determined to take the ongoing fight against the unrest created by the naxals to its logical conclusion,” said Shah.
Both Central & state governments are working in tandem on two fronts — intensify development works in tribal areas & fight against armed groups. I want to assure people of Chhattisgarh & the country that fight against Naxals will be intensified after this incident, said Amit Shah, Home Minister, while addressing the media .
Shah further stated, I want to assure the countrymen that this battle (against Naxals) will be intensified & we will win it in the end. We have successfully set up camps in interior areas in last few years, which has annoyed Naxals resulting in such type of incidents. I held a review meeting with Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel and officers of security forces. The officers said that this fight should not weaken, which shows that the morale of our jawans is intact.
The minister will chair a meeting at the Police Coordination Centre in Jagdalpur to review the security situation arising out of Saturday’s incident and also meet some of the injured security personnel in hospitals, an official said. Thirty security personnel were injured in the ambush by naxals and were admitted to different hospitals in the state, officials had said on Sunday.
Naxals have suffered heavy losses in this encounter which continued for 4 hours. We have information that they took dead bodies & the injured Naxals in four tractor-trollies… We need to speed up development works in interior areas said Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel in Jagdalpur
After arriving in Chhattisgarh’s Jagdalpur town from Delhi, Shah paid his last respects at the Police Lines, where the mortal remains of 14 personnel were kept in coffins draped with the national flag. Besides Shah, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and other dignitaries also laid wreaths on the coffins.