Renowned Mumbai-based author Manoj Jain, known for his compelling exploration of human psychology through fiction, proudly presents his tenth book, “The Book Of Now.” Jain’s work delves deep into the complexities of the human mind, drawing inspiration from his extensive travels and the diverse stories of people he meets worldwide.
“The Book Of Now” is a profound reflection on the human experience, encouraging readers to live in the present moment. Narrated by the symbolic snakes of the past, present, and future, and enriched with the author’s own artwork, this book invites readers to contemplate their subconscious and conscious dialogues with the Universe as they navigate their unique paths. Whether read sequentially or opened at random, each page offers a timeless message from the snakes, urging readers to embrace the present and recognise the interconnectedness of all existence. The story begins at twilight by a riverbank, where a man, unperturbed by the surrounding wilderness, waits patiently under the moonlight. Joined by the personifications of the past, present, and future, he embarks on a cosmic journey, posing existential questions about suffering, fate, and the universal energy that binds us all. As they transform and intertwine, the snakes reveal the profound truth that time is an illusion, and our lives are harmoniously linked with the Universe’s song.
“The Book of Now” is now available on Amazon. Each page features a QR code that links to additional insights and invites readers to engage in a dialogue with the author. Immerse yourself in this enlightening and thought-provoking saga.