West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has said ‘people make mistakes but they can be rectified’. Her statement comes at a time when Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra is facing an FIR for her comments on Goddess Kali.
“We make mistakes while working but they can be rectified. Some people don’t see all the good work and suddenly start shouting… Negativity affects our brain cells so let’s think positively,” said Mamata while addressing a students’ credit cards distribution event in Kolkata.
Meanwhile , in the eye of the storm , Mahua Moitra remained defiant and in her latest tweet dared the BJP to prove she is wrong .
“I do not want to live in an India where BJP’s monolithic patriarchal brahminical view of Hinduism will prevail and the rest of us will tiptoe around religion. I will defend this till I die. File your FIRs – will see you in every court in the land,” tweeted Moitra.
I do not want to live in an India where BJP’s monolithic patriarchal brahminical view of Hinduism will prevail & rest of us will tiptoe around religion.
I will defend this till I die. File your FIRs – will see you in every court in the land. https://t.co/nbgyzSTtLf— Mahua Moitra (@MahuaMoitra) July 6, 2022
“I challenge the BJP anywhere in the country to prove anything that I said is wrong,” Moitra added.
In her earlier tweets too, Mahua trained her guns at the BJP
Bring it on BJP!
Am a Kali worshipper. I am not afraid of anything. Not your ignoramuses. Not your goons. Not your police. And most certainly not your trolls.
Truth doesn’t need back up forces.
— Mahua Moitra (@MahuaMoitra) July 6, 2022
We don’t approve of such comments. TMC has respect for all religions and party doesn’t want to get into any religious controversies. That’s our party’s statement in all religions matter, TMC MP Saugata Roy told ANI