\Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray in a tweet has said that he has postponed his Ayodhya visit which was scheduled for June 5. He says he will share more details on this at his rally in Pune on 22nd May.
#अयोध्या #Ayodhya pic.twitter.com/rFbkDT9Is1
— Raj Thackeray (@RajThackeray) May 20, 2022
The MNS issued a warning Thursday — that Maharashtra would ‘rise up’ if anyone tried to harm their leader. Visuals of the warning — written on a poster and displayed in Mumbai’s Lalbaug area — were shared by news agency ANI.
Raj Thackeray – widely criticised over a row in the state about mosques’ use of loudspeakers for azaan – is expected to visit Ayodhya in June.
The MNS has begun preparing for Thackeray’s Ayodhya rally by booking trains and hotels.
However, the visit has not been received as well even by religious leaders in the temple town, some of whom have said he must apologise to north Indians for his past comments.
Union minister and RPI(A) chief Ramdas Athawale has asked MNS head Raj Thackeray to apologise to North Indians before visiting Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh next month.
Earlier, Uttar Pradesh’s BJP MP from Kaiserganj Brijbhushan Sharan Singh had asked Thackeray to either apologise to north Indians for his anti-north Indian politics or cancel his visit to Ayodhya.