Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde assured strict action against the guilty in the BMW case and announced Rs 10 lakh aid for the victim’s family, amid criticism that the key accused is the son of his party leader.
He said there was no question of supporting anyone and no one would be spared. “Whoever is guilty will not be spared; strict action will be taken against them,” Shinde told reporters.
“We stand by the family of the victim. We will provide legal and financial support to the aggrieved family. We will give them Rs 10 lakh from the CM’s Relief Fund. They are from our family,” he said.
A BMW car driven by key accused Mihir Shah allegedly rammed into a two-wheeler in the Worli area of south-central Mumbai on Sunday morning, killing Kaveri Nakhwa (45), who was riding pillion, while her husband Pradeep survived with injuries.
Meanwhile A Mumbai court has sent prime accused Mihir Shah to police custody till July 16.