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Underlining that Pakistan has misused platforms provided by the United Nations to propagate falls and malicious propaganda against New Delhi, India at United Nations Security Council slammed Islamabad for raking up the Kashmir issue and called upon Pakistan to immediately vacate all areas of Jammu and Kashmir under its illegal occupation.
“I would like to categorical about India’s position, the entire Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh were, are and will always be an integral and inalienable part of India. This includes the areas that are under the illegal occupation of Pakistan. We call upon Pakistan to immediately vacate all areas under its illegal occupation,” Dr Kajal Bhat, Counsellor at India’s Permanent Mission to the UN, said on Tuesday (local time).
“I am constrained to take the floor once again to respond to some frivolous remarks made by the representative of Pakistan earlier today,” Bhat said before beginning her response at UNSC.
Stressing that this is not the first time that the representative of Pakistan has misused platforms provided by the UN to propagate falls and malicious propaganda against India, Bhat said that Pakistan’s representatives “sought in vain to divert the world’s attention from the sad state of his country, where the terrorist enjoy free pass by the lives of ordinary people especially those belonging to the minority communities are turned upside down.”
She also emphasised that member states are aware that Pakistan has an established history and policy of harbouring, aiding and actively supporting terrorists.
“This is the country that has been globally recognised as one openly supporting, training, financing and arming terrorists as a matter of state policy,” Bhat said.
India’s Counsellor also underlined that Pakistan “holds the ignoble record of hosting the largest number of terrorists proscribed by the UNSC”.