In today’s world, where young adults face the challenges of increasing stress, imbalanced lifestyle, problems related to the new millennium, and mental...
Chapter -2 In Love: Bhakti Personified Part I: Loving the Divine in All of Creation Loving in silence can be a powerful...
It was called ‘The Small Forest Book’. They found it among Chinma’s belongings—several loose sheets in a blue binder held together with...
The bestselling author of The Boy Who Wrote a Constitution which received critical acclaim and was shortlisted for the PVLF Awards, comes...
A fast-paced explosive thriller about money laundering, mafia and crime The Hundred Million Bet by Atul Koul Randev. is a thriller that...
Preface Hindutva: Origin, Evolution and Future studies Hindutva in both critical and holistic terms—an approach that is oft found missing in most...
Section I The Merger—Samadhi Pada : Mastering the Distractions to Access the Rewards Illness, delusion, laziness, instability, weakness, cravings, lack of confidence...
Putting an end to all speculation, British singer and songwriter Dua Lipa has revealed that she will not be performing at the...
Learning to Make Good Decisions through Dream a Dream’s Mentoring Programme: Vijay Bhaskar S A sari weaver since he was little, Vijay...
An extensively researched book that brings in a fresh perspective on how Indian civilization was impacted by the forces of the West....