File Picture Courtesy : The Financial Express
With the last session of parliament the Budget session being a washout . Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan has taken an initiative to ensure that the house proceedings run in a smooth manner.
In her letter addressed to Lok Sabha MP’s , the 75-year-old stated that frequent disruptions in the House do not help present a desired picture and image of the functioning of democracy in India. “During my recent foreign visits, the Indian Diaspora and other foreign dignitaries also expressed their disappointment and concern over the constant disruption in the business of the House,” she added.
Interestingly , the letter from Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan comes just a few days before the Monsoon Session of Parliament is about to commence. The session will begin on July 18 and will end on August 10.
“At times, some Hon’ble Members have come to the well of the House and shouted slogans, shown placards and banners and interrupted the proceedings of the House. Consequently, the House had to be adjourned repeatedly without transacting any business,” wrote the Speaker.
Mahajan urged members to assure that discussion, divergence of opinion and dissent is within the well-established parameters and accepted norms of Parliamentary dignity and decorum so that people may continue to have abiding faith in democracy and democratic institutions.
“Sometimes on social media platforms, we find that the expected enthusiasm and appreciation for the Parliament, Parliamentary Conventions and Democracy is not available. This trend may pose a challenge for our democracy,” said Mahajan, while laying emphasis upon the fact that there is a need for MPs to introspect and decide what is the way forward and ideal image for our Parliament and democracy.
Concluding the letter Mahajan expressed hope that cooperation from members of the House will help to establish high standards of Parliamentary conduct, discipline and decorum.
“I hope the electoral and political battles will be fought in the constituencies and at the same time members will discharge their democratic responsibilities with decorum in the House,” the letter read.