Composed by renowned Bollywood music director Amit Trivedi, the animated film features young fans from all over the world immersed and engaged...
With their first half hugely disappointing , Kolkata Knight Riders needed a big morale boosting win to pu their campaign in Vivo...
After stepping down as India’s T20 International skipper after the T20 World Cup, Virat Kohli has made yet another major announcement. Virat...
India skipper Virat Kohli has stunned all by his sudden decision to step down as T20I Captain of India after the T20...
In a stunning statement , India cricket team skipper and superstar batsman Virat Kohli has decided to step down from T20I captaincy...
India captain Virat Kohli said it is unfortunate to “end up here early” for the IPL after a COVID-19 outbreak led to...
There is no doubt Virat Kohli is one of the best batsman in business in all the formats of the game and...
Jasprit Bumrah will have to squeeze every ounce of energy from his already overworked body while Ajinkya Rahane will hope to get...
The national selection committee has announced the Indian squad for the T20 World Cup, to be held in the UAE next month....
England batter Ollie Pope and India all-rounder Shardul Thakur have made notable gains in the MRF Tyres ICC Men’s Test Player Rankings...