In this reimagined history, Sarah Joseph evokes Budhini with vigour, authority and panache, conjuring up a robust and endearing feminine character and...
Trudeau's departure follows growing discontent within his party and a sharp decline in public...
The year 2024 has been a year of upheavals and tensions on the geopolitical...
Coalition politics is something Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not accustomed to. So it's...
As India moves forward, Singh’s place in history remains secure as a pivotal figure...
The interim regime is struggling to restore the rule of law and revive an...
As millions of devotees descend upon the Maha Kumbh Mela in 2025, the world...
In The New Icon, Arun Shourie delves deep into Savarkar’s books, essays, speeches and...
The first definitive biography of Soumitra Chatterjee covers the complete arc of Soumitra Chatterjee’s...
Tales from Qabristan is a strikingly vivid portrayal of a boy trying to understand...
Meticulously researched and objectively written by Arjun Subramaniam, an accomplished military historian, Shooting Straight...