Musical show ‘The Voice’ has announced the comeback of Nick Jonas as a coach to Season 20, next year. According to The...
Nick Jonas is set to join “The Voice” for its upcoming spring season to fill in for Adam Levine, who left the...
The interim regime is struggling to restore the rule of law and revive an...
If her 32 minute speech was fiery . She showed courage to go to...
He opened his first hedge fund, Double Eagle, in 1969. In 1973, he started...
President-elect Donald Trump as even more unpredictable are his decisions which are taking everyone...
The loss in Maharashtra has put the GOP in a spot as it is...
Rising Sons is an evocative exploration of life in pre-independent India. Set in the...
A gripping psychological thriller that explores the struggles of loneliness and mental health in...
Kiran Desai's long-awaited new novel THE LONELINESS OF SONIA AND SUNNY, an epic love...
In Bring It On, Deepa gives readers a no-holds-barred look at her incredible life...
A legend, Kirmani is one of the exceptional wicketkeepers to have ever graced the...