Rahul Gandhi’s coronation was indeed the biggest puzzle that kept the political commentators on the tenterhooks for several months, making them predict...
The report that on 23 November last Bangladesh and Myanmar had signed a deal at Naypyidaw, the capital of Myanmar for early...
Every time Sishir Behera 44, visits Bhubaneswar, he makes it a point to drive down to Pahala and fill his stomach with...
A visitor to Assam today cannot but miss the upbeat mood of the state and it’s diverse population after many years. Of...
Soon after Daw Aung San Suu Kyi made her first visit to strife torn Rakhine province, the New York Times editorial in...
It is indeed a very complex issue as it requires primarily creation of an environment in Rakhine conducive to the return of...
The Muslims of Rakhine (known for centuries as Arakan )state of Myanmar – mostly Sunni and who speak what is called the...
The origin of the term ‘ Rohingya’ is phonological as this how it sounds when the word ‘Rakhine’ is pronounced by a...
By Amar Diwakar Partition is the sanguinary event upon which national identity in the Subcontinent pivots. Much like the Holocaust is to...
By Aparna Singh The idea of availability of need-based loans at an interest rate lower than from available informal sources is...