What if, to lead our most fulfilling life, there was nothing to acquire, nothing to accomplish, nothing to master? What if we...
Are you inspired by billionaires around the world but think becoming a billionaire is too far out of your reach? Are you...
In this delightful collection of stories set against the backdrop of present-day Guwahati, the capital city of Assam and the gateway to...
As India completes 75 years of independence, we bring to you a slice of our beloved country in the words of our...
Heroes of 1971 tells the stories of the fearless warriors who fought heroic battles to liberate Bangladesh, redrawing the map of South...
Kashmir has been considered one of the longest-running and most intractable conflicts of the modern world. How does one make sense of...
Author and legal advisor to the UN (Human Rights), Rajesh Talwar whose The Judiciary on Trial was reviewed by Khushwant Singh and...
Netaji. Many facts remain untold and therefore unknown till date about the man who took the jewel off the crown. This biography...
THE STONE TOWER Ptolemy, the Silk Road and a 2,000-year-old Riddle A path traversed by caravans laden with silk, spices and much...
From – Prologue (CLASSIFIED By J. Rajshekharan Nair) Twenty-seven years after it hit the headlines, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) espionage...