The report that Sushmita Dev, a former Congress member of Lok Sabha, daughter of Late Santosh Mohan Dev, former union Minister of...
Economist and author, Uday Singh, whose debut Pokhran continues to top the charts for over a year now, is out with his...
The author of the bestselling Kaalkoot, S Venkatesh is back with another fast-paced thriller Agnibaan (TreeShade Books) that deals with the specter...
Richa Gupta is out with her new literary fiction, an anthology titled The Jamun Tree and Other Stories (Bridging Borders) that analyzes...
Star-Crossed Lovers in the Blue is the story of Utir, a mermaid and Arj, a merman who reside in the Newada Sea....
Most UPSC civil service aspirants barring those whose parents or close relatives happen to be serving or retired government officials have a...
Chapter 3 Annika I decided to take a few days of personal days, with the understanding that I would make myself available...
The report that the Ministry of Home affairs has issued a notification under the Rules made under the Citizenship Act 1955 asking...
A new report released by Healthy Energy Initiative India and Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment (LIFE) has found that coal fly...
The purpose of writing this book is not to find the killers, or even who the ‘most likely’ candidates were, but only...