#Justice For Nirbhaya : Four Convicts To Be Hanged On January 22, Mother Of Victim Hails Verdict
Picture : Twitter / ANI
A Delhi court has issued the death warrant against all four convicts in the in-famous Nirbhaya rape case . They will be hanged on January 22 at 7 am. The court also said the convicts can use their legal remedies within 14 days, which means they can file mercy petitions with the President of India.
Asha Devi, Nirbhaya’s mother says the order (on the death warrant) will restore faith of women in law. “My daughter has got justice. Execution of the four convicts will empower the women of the country. This decision will strengthen the trust of people in the judicial system,” Asha Devi said.
A Delhi Court had earlier reserved the order on issuing of death warrants against the four death row convicts in the sensational 2012 Nirbhaya Gangrape and murder case.
During the hearing, the prosecution said there was no application pending before any court or the President right now by any of the convicts and the review petition of all the convicts was dismissed by the Supreme Court.
While urging the court to issue the death warrants, the prosecution said, “In between issuance and execution of death warrants of the convicts want to file curative petitions they can do so.” The counsel for two of the convicts — Mukesh and Vinay — said they were in process of filing curative petition in the apex court.
Delhi Commission for Women Chief Swati MaliwaI said to ANI, Strongly welcome this decision. It is a win for all the ‘Nirbhayas’ living in this country. I salute Nirbhaya’s parents who fought for 7 long years. Why has it taken 7yrs to punish these people? Why can’t this time period be reduced?